News — 2023
Bow Craft Fair
2023 Bow Craft Fair Bow NH gifts handmade handmade jewelry New Hampshire November shows

With over 150 of the finest artisans from New England, the Bow PTO Craft fair has grown into an annual tradition.Saturday, November 18, 2023: 9AM-4PM and Sunday, November 19, 2023: 9AM - 1PM. Admission $5
Bedford Handmade 2023
2023 artists bedford handmade handmade jewelry New Hampshire November show schedule shows

Come see me and start your holiday shopping with over 60 local artisans! Hosted by the Student Council groups of Bedford High School to support each student council class for senior year activities.
Intown Concord's 49th Annual Market Days Festival is just days away!!!
2023 Concord Arts Market Concord NH handmade jewelry June market days New Hampshire show schedule shows

Come see me set up and selling my jewelry all three days with the Concord Arts Market at Intown Concord’s 49th Annual Market Days Festival! It will be our biggest Market Days yet - you won’t want to miss it! Find the Concord Arts Market June 22-24 from 10am-8pm on Pleasant Street (between Main and State Streets). #ConcordArtsMarket #IntownConcord #MarketDaysFestival #MarketDaysFestival2023 #concordnh
Kitty's First show of 2023! BEDFORD FIELDS WINTER MARKETS